Coturnix quail hatching eggs of mixed breeds, including Japanese quails, white coturnix, Italian quails, tuxedo and silver coturnix. Sold by dozens.
Mixed color bobwhite quail hatching eggs. $30.00 a dozen. Including northern bobwhite, Tennessee red, white bobwhite, Mexican speckled. It takes 23-28 days to hatch bobwhite, so they should not be in the same incubator as coturnix (which takes 16-18 days to hatch). In Ontario, license is needed to keep northern bobwhites.
Japanese quails are good egg layers. Each can lay more than 300 eggs a year. Easy to raise and care for.
Japanese males are good for meat. They are big and juicy, each weigh more than 200 grams. Their meat most tender at 6 weeks.
Bobwhites are quails living in North America. There are several breeds of them, Northern Bobwhites, Mexican Speckled, Tennessee Reds, Snowflakes … They are beautiful, graceful birds that sing musical songs. They are great pet birds.
This incubator can hold 48 chicken eggs or 132 quail eggs. It has automatic turner, digital display, easy to use. We’ll caliberate them for you and offer 1 year warranty.
Pluckers come in various sizes. From processing just a few quails to a bunch of turkeys or geese of industrial scope. Just push the button, and in a few seconds, it will all be finished. View our photo galleries for more pictures or contact us for the best options for you.
Waterer base for quail chicks. Effective in preventing tiny chicks from drowning. Fitted with 1 quart poultry waterer top or a pickle jar. Can be used for adult quails also. Easy to use, easy to clean.